My dream Job


For me, work is a means to an end, never an end in itself, but that doesn't mean that my future job has to be in a field I don't like. That's why I was looking for a career that would allow me to combine most of my interests. That's why I feel that physical anthropology can bring together knowledge from the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. I don't care if I end up as a researcher, professor, in a lab, in the public or private sector, but with the premise that I work to live and don't live to work.

There are many skills that I still do not have and that I need for that future job, I do feel that my personality can help me a lot, I am disciplined, orderly, methodical and I like stress. But there are skills that I need to improve, and I have not done it, such as improving my English, writing better, computer skills, as well as the knowledge of the discipline itself, especially related to the hard sciences that are used for working methods and that I do not have because of my previous training.

It is because of these missing skills and the need to obtain a degree for work that I decided to study anthropology, now I plan to study the mention of physical anthropology, but I am not sure what to specialize in next.

Regarding the salary I don't know how much I earn, but I'm not a consumerist and I'm very thrifty, so if I'm working in something I like, if it's enough money to have the basics to live I'll be satisfied.

What I would like is that wherever I work in the future I can always have a gender perspective present, be as ecological as possible and help to create nuclei of knowledge different from those in the northern hemisphere.


                                                                  Berhane Asfaw working in his laboratory (physical anthropologist)


  1. I love the focus you give about having to work to live and not the other way around. I think this idea is fundamental to be a good professional and to have a good life.

  2. It is very important what you say about the salary, it is not necessary to have thousands of things to be happy and have a good life.

  3. I think that your skills like be disciplined, ordenly and methodical, they will be of help, because if you want be a physical anthropologist, you will have to do a lot of data record.

  4. Physical anthropology sounds nice! I think your skills will be very useful for the discipline.

  5. I think the premise you have about "I work to live and don't live to work." is important to have always in the mind

  6. although I also study anthropology, I am quite unfamiliar with the area of physical anthropology jajaja, but from your blog and the way you describe it seems very interesting.


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