Changes to my study program

I am in the second year of my degree, so it is difficult for me to know how to change my program of study. First because I lack a lot of knowledge of the subject and second because in a society where only market education predominates, it is necessary to change something more fundamental.
Now if I could change the curriculum, I think that I should leave only one year of common cycle of the three mentions, since now they give more emphasis to social anthropology, besides that each mention has a lot of content to be studied and if you start before better, of course it is also ideal that students can in some courses work in an interdisciplinary way.
I would like the curriculum to be more flexible, as it happens in other countries where after some basic courses, there are a variety of elective courses that complete your years of study, but according to the area of work you want for your future.
Regarding the study load, I think it is fine in general, only I would evaluate some credits that I do not consider correct.  
I would also propose a mixed modality between face-to-face and online but planned so that it does not harm colleagues who live in other regions or the quality of education.
Finally, as a teaching method I believe that debates are very necessary, however with many people this is difficult. I would also like to see less written evaluations and more oral exams or dissertations.



  1. I agree that the initial cycle gives a lot of emphasis to social anthropology, so if the three mentions are not given the same emphasis in the initial cycle, I think it is a good idea to start the mentions earlier in order to take better advantage of the contents that interest each one

  2. I quite like the idea that the hybrid classes are maintained, but you also have to be aware that it is complicated, and should even be something considered when accrediting the careers... it is something that would take time to do well.

  3. I agree with you that the curriculum should be more flexible! it would be great to have an accessible space to be in specialized courses that can help us in the future in labor issues.

  4. It would be perfect to start the mention in second year! Although I think that in one year you are not ready to make an important decision.

  5. I find your proposal about the curriculum very interesting, I think it would be better and would allow to go deeper into the areas of interest.


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