How can what I study contribute to society?


I believe that any specialty we take has repercussions on social life. But focusing on these effects being good depends on each person, always understanding that what is desirable for one person is not necessarily so for another.

In my case, I study anthropology-archeology for personal interest and fun, however with approaches and methodologies that should take care of the problems of today's society, beyond the objective of our work or research.

Within these approaches I consider the gender and ecological perspective as fundamental. In addition, I would like to my work helps reduce social conflict and allow to create empathy between actors and groups that have been invisible and oppressed.

I also consider that it is necessary for anthropology-archeology to contribute to society through stripping away the gaze of Western-European civilization and giving the importance it deserves to the identity and forms of the continent itself.

Finally, I wish to contribute by refusing to work with extractives, authoritarian institutions or those that serve a hegemonic power.



  1. Empathy for the most vulnerable is very important.

  2. I agree with you that it is fundamental for anthropology to study topics such as ecology and gender.

  3. anthropology has lately become too involved in environmental and ecological issues, I think it's wonderful that we can contribute to the development of anthropology

  4. it is very important to highlight the continent's own identities

  5. Interesting. I am still not sure how I can contribute with my career, but I agree with what you say.


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