An interesting subject


It is very difficult for me to choose a specific subject, in general I like all subjects, they interest me, and I think they are necessary. However, if I had to choose, I would stick with bioarcheology, which is a branch of physical anthropology and a sub-discipline of archeology.

What I have enjoyed the most studying bioarcheology are the methods, I have always been a social science person, so it is difficult for me to handle technologies, chemistry, and biology, however, due to this difficulty it is entertaining, because I learn things that I do not knew before, and it gives me the ability to see things differently.

Both through the bioarcheology course and through the books I have read, I have been learning what is the scope of the discipline, the methods, the techniques, and areas of work.

I also believe that it is very necessary for peoples to vindicate and know their ancestors, because it is a way of recognizing and bringing to the present the stories of different lives, even if we do not know their names and ideas.



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