
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2021

An interesting subject

  It is very difficult for me to choose a specific subject, in general I like all subjects, they interest me, and I think they are necessary. However, if I had to choose, I would stick with bioarcheology, which is a branch of physical anthropology and a sub-discipline of archeology. What I have enjoyed the most studying bioarcheology are the methods, I have always been a social science person, so it is difficult for me to handle technologies, chemistry, and biology, however, due to this difficulty it is entertaining, because I learn things that I do not knew before, and it gives me the ability to see things differently. Both through the bioarcheology course and through the books I have read, I have been learning what is the scope of the discipline, the methods, the techniques, and areas of work. I also believe that it is very necessary for peoples to vindicate and know their ancestors, because it is a way of recognizing and bringing to the present the stories of different l

How can what I study contribute to society?

  I believe that any specialty we take has repercussions on social life. But focusing on these effects being good depends on each person, always understanding that what is desirable for one person is not necessarily so for another. In my case, I study anthropology-archeology for personal interest and fun, however with approaches and methodologies that should take care of the problems of today's society, beyond the objective of our work or research. Within these approaches I consider the gender and ecological perspective as fundamental. In addition, I would like to my work helps reduce social conflict and allow to create empathy between actors and groups that have been invisible and oppressed. I also consider that it is necessary for anthropology-archeology to contribute to society through stripping away the gaze of Western-European civilization and giving the importance it deserves to the identity and forms of the continent itself. Finally, I wish to contribute by refusin

A foreboding photo

  This photo is very special to me, it is me and a neighbor who took care of me while my parents worked. I don't remember what year it was, but I was about 10 years old and it was snowing in Santiago, I remember that I had a lot of fun that day and I played with my friends from the neighborhood, we threw snow and we were very wet. The bad thing is that my mom kept me warm and she hated wearing boots.  Years after that photo, when my neighbor got married, she had two daughters, her first-born was Emilia, for many reasons I had to take care of her from 6 months to approximately 5 years. It was a completely new experience for me, I learned how to change diapers, cook and feed her baby and we played all day until her parents came to pick her up in the afternoon. Today Emilia is cared for by my mother, that's why I see her almost every day, she is very close to me and we always plan outings to nature. Ironically, last year we went to the snow and played like when Emilia's moth