
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2022

My English

  In general, I think that English at the university is fine, at first, I thought it was going to be more difficult and that I would probably repeat the courses, since English (like other languages) is very complicated for me. In that sense I realized that I learned much more when I was face to face, at home I was distracted or my family distracted me, besides that many times my internet was bad and did not let me understand the teacher.   I really enjoyed doing the blog, first because it was always the same in form, even though the content changed. Secondly, because there is the possibility to write down things that we each like, which is better than something very structured. English has always been difficult for me, as a child I did not have a good learning base, plus I had to go to language school for many years, so I was more concerned with learning my native language well, which was already very difficult for me. Now I know that it is not difficult for me to understand wh