
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2022

A memorable holiday

A memorable holiday was when I went backpacking during the summer of 2017, I don't remember how long I was there, but it was before I entered the army, which was at the end of April. As I was backpacking don´t site in the specific, but I was most in Chiloé and Hornopirén.  On that trip, I was with my ex-boyfriend (now a very good friend) and a couple of friends. We didn't have a lot of money, so we traveled randomly, depending on where people went with their cars. The only site that was planned is Chiloé where we stayed with friends, who were seafood gatherers and fishermen. We were far apart from the people and surrounded by a beautiful forest. The bad thing is that I didn't follow their rhythm of drinking alcohol. We also went to the alerce Andino park, where the oldest alerce is located, and to the Hornopiren park. That trip was important, because it was where I had to eat meat again after 10 years, since it was unavoidable in the army.  Another nice thing that happene